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James C. Almaden, PLS - Owner/Vice President


Peninsula College

LSAW Continuing Education

Registrations & Affiliations

Professional Land Surveyor,

State of Washington, No. 44623

Land Surveyors' Association of Washington


Jim Almaden is responsible for calculations, research and coordination of survey and construction projects, as well as scheduling project personnel and providing prospective clients with estimates for surveying projects. He also performs AutoCAD drafting for surveys and plats. He coordinates scheduling with contractors and construction firms. His field duties consist of boundary surveys, topographic surveys, bathymetric surveys, riparian surveys, and complex control surveys including GPS and GLO corner recovery.


Mr. Almaden has been working in land surveying since 1993. His career began in the timber industry, providing him with knowledge and background in the process of timber harvesting, which has been of great value to him especially in the area of larger scale timber boundary work.

Jim has been in charge of numerous construction projects with various contractors and governmental agencies and has performed countless boundary surveys in the area. He has an excellent reputation in all aspects of the land surveying profession.



Contact Us


Monday - Friday

8am - 5pm


[email protected]



Business Address

935 N. 5th Ave.

Sequim WA. 98382


Mailing Address

P.O. Box 2199

Sequim, WA. 98382

